Monday, May 23, 2011

False Teacher & Followers Diappointed;

What did Harold Camping and his followers expect?

The man set a date for the rapture.

He did this to get attention,and to sell more books.

He gave a false prediction date for the rapture in 1994, and again in 1998.

So, of course he was wrong again this time around.

Yet,in today's news article about the matter, he says "I'm flabbergasted the world didn't end on Saturday."

He claims he was disappointed the world did not end on May 21st like he said it would.

He obviously never read Matthew Chapter 24, or ignored this passage altogether.

He is false teacher people, and not to be trusted.

Quit putting your confidence, or trust in this fraud.

Put your trust in God!

Trust what God says in the Bible!

Not Camping, or any other date setter, or false teacher.

The Rapture is still to come!

It will happen in God's timing.

No sooner, or later than this.

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