Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lost People Anti-Pre Tribulation Rapture & So Are the Backsildden Christians

The only reason lost people are against the pre-tribulation rapture is because they...
1. Do not want to accept Jesus as their personal LORD and Savior,and they do not want to be have to be judged by God during the tribulation period by themselves.
2. They know the rapture will mean that a lot of their relatives,acquaintances,friends,co-workers,etc. will be gone
3. They know the Holy Spirit will be gone out of the world after the rapture takes place.
4. Ultimately they are afraid of what happens as a result of the rapture
5. They are afraid to face the future of the tribulation period on their own
6. They are afraid of being separated from loved ones

The only others who are against the rapture being before the tribulation period are the backslidden people...
1. They are miserable because they no longer serve God.
2. They are worried that God will be angry with them for neglecting to do what is right in his sight.
3. They do not want their loved ones to be left behind,but are not willing to speak up about God to them,for fear of being called a hypocrite.
4. They are afraid of being caught doing something wrong at the time of the rapture,but do not want to what is right by God either. They enjoy fitting in with the popular crowd,while being cowards-little Christians-that are not growing in the LORD at all.
5. They think if they teach something contrary to the Bible about the rapture,they can somehow make God change his mind about when it will be.
6. They are having fun in thier sin and avoiding the repentance that leads to their joy in the LORD being renewed, restored to them.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Date of Rapture?: Only God Knows This for Sure!

Many people try to play guessing games when it comes to the rapture.
They try to predict a certain day of the week,month,year,and time of day for it.
However,the Bible warns against such people.
In fact these people are called false teachers,prophets,and liars!
The truth of the matter is that only God knows the exact day,month,year,and time of day that the rapture will take place!
No angels know when it will be.
No people know when.
Only God does!
The only hint about the timing of it from the Bible is the tribulation takes place after the rapture of the church.
This is found in I Thessalonians,in I Corinthians,and various other places in the Bible.
Also,no matter how popular,or unpopular a pre-tribulation rapture may be, God still teaches in his word that the rapture is pre-tribulation so there!
In Romans there is a verse that says "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
This means that God does not condemn-or have those who accepted him-Jesus Christ as personal LORD and Savior, to hell,the great white throne judgment, the lake of fire,or the tribulation period.
The Tribulation period is judgment only on the lost souls/lost people who rejected Christ all thier lives who did not die before the rapture,so they will be left behind when the rapture takes place,and will suffer the wrath of God,while those in the church-those who did accept Jesus as LORD and Saviour,will be gone to heaven by then(either due to dying physically and going there,or being part of those on the earth who were raptured before the tribulation.)
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture is Coming in God's Timing Not Man's!
No man can predict the accurate date for this,so why try too?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rapture still to come no matter what anyone says or thinks

The rapture did not happen yesterday, or this morning,but it still to come! When, the scoffers, might say... In God's Timing! That is when! It is true,the rapture will indeed come in God's Timing,when people least expect it too it will take place!
It is an event that no one can stop!
It is an event to prepare for if you have not already.
Prepare for the rapture!
Accept Jesus Christ as your Personal LORD and Savior before it's to late! No time like the present to get this taken care of!
Accept Jesus Christ now!
Accept him while you still can!
Prepare for the rapture to come!
Be ready!
When the rapture happens,hope you are ready!
I know I am ready!
No one else knows when the rapture will be!
Only God knows when this big event will take place!
Be ready, for the day,and hour will come that no man,woman,child, or teenager,will be able to get ready anymore!
Someday the rapture will happen!
Do not put accepting Jesus off any longer procrastinators!
Accept Jesus Chris t this very moment in time!
Make sure you are ready!
Are you ready for the rapture?
Are you 100% prepared for the rapture to take place when God wants it too?
Make sure you are !
Make sure!
Be sure!
Be 100% ready for this!
Doubt no more!
Be sure!
Be sure!