Monday, January 3, 2011

Ugh! Rapture Date Prediction Again!

* Every year some predicts the date for the rapture again.
-Each time the person says to know the month,day, and year of this!
- This is impossible for someone to really know this.
-Some predictors of the past claimed the knew this from math equations they got from the Bible. -What?
_ I do not notice this at all.
_Others say if you have enough faith the answer to the date of rapture will come to you.
**The Truth is...
_No man knows the date of rapture, or ever will be able to know it.
-Only God knows when it will take place.
_It will happen in God's timing.
-The Bible calls these predictors false teachers, false prophets,wolves,and deceivers.

* Now the New Year of 2011 has only recently started and already a date has been predicted once again as to the rapture's exact timing.
-By whom?
- a woman,named Marie Exley,who claims she know this will be in May of this year.
-She even goes so far to say it is the 21st of May.
-claims that Bible teaches this is the date for it to take place
-What Bible?
_she never says what passage she supposedly found this in
_ or which part of the Bible it is in,Old or New Testament

**More Truth-Marie Exley is a fraud.
-Do not listen to her date predictions.
-They are opposed to what the Bible really says.
_She is not to be trusted.
_ She is wrong.

****The Bible never contradicts itself.

"Beware, for many anti-christ have gone into the world.." -warning from John and Colossians

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