Monday, November 16, 2009

Rapture: Review of Facts about it

Review of facts about the Rapture:
1.Real event in the future!
2. Happens after the dead in Christ rise!
3. The dead in Christ rise in God's timing,so the rapture takes place in his timing!
4. It takes place in the twinkling of an eye
5. It will happen whenever we least expect it too
6. Only people disappear in the rapture
7. Only the saved people (those who have trusted Christ as their personal LORD and Savior)still on the earth,and babies will be raptured "taken away"
8. Many people do not believe the rapture will take place.
9. No amount of date setting,will change God's timing on when the rapture will take place
10. The Rapture is something that the saved should look forward too!
11. The word "rapturo" is Latin for "to be caught up,taken away,to suddenly vanish,disappear" and is often translated as rapture.
12. There are many false teachings about the rapture,including the mid-tribulation rapture,and post tribulation rapture.
13. The rapture takes place before the tribulation period ever starts.
14. The purpose of the rapture is to take away the Holy Spirit "aka Holy Ghost,Comforter,Helper" out of the world,and to take the Christians,saved people out of the world to keep them from being around during God's judgment of the lost people on the earth during the tribulation period.
15. The apostles,disciples,and many others in the Scripture looked forward to the rapture and even wrote about it because they were lead to do so by the Holy Spirit.
16. The Bible is the number one source to answers about God,heaven,hell,Satan, the sin nature of all people,physical death,spiritual death,the lake of fire,Christ's second coming,his first coming,the rapture,and everything else!
17. The rapture is a topic discussed a lot among both those who agree with the facts about it in the Bible, and among those who do not.

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