Monday, March 24, 2008

Rapture is Coming Whether you Believe it or Not!

No one can change the true facts about the rapture. Not even people in chat rooms, forums, or other websites can change them. Even false prophets can not make the true facts disappear.

They can twist them around by claiming untruths about the rapture to support their false views about it and still the fact remains that the Rapture is happpening ! Some false teachers teach nothing about the rapture at all. They ignore the facts about it all together. How odd is that? Others teach all sorts of things about it that are lies that just make Satan, the Father of lies and enemy of God happy and confuse other people. Many people are either ignorant about the truths about the rapture taught in the Bible, or they choose not to acknowledge them. Either way no one dies not having the chance to know the truth about it since it is in the Bible after all.

Prepare for the Rapture! Be ready for it! Make sure you are not left behind for the tribulation!

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