Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Rapture is Still happening!

Just because the rapture has not happened yet, alot of people are going to lie to you. They are going to say lies about the rapture such as: 1. the rapture is not happening, it didn't in the past, so it is not,2. the rapture has already taken place, it took place a long time ago,3. the rapture will take place tonight,etc. (They will try to predice when it will happen.), 4. the rapture was made up by Christians to scare people into converting to thier belief system and to their God.
The Truth is the Rapture is still going to take place, but only God knows when it will be. It will happen in God's timing. Make sure you are ready to disappear when it happens! Be prepared for the Rapture! Get Ready! It could happen morning, noon, or night. Make sure you are 100% prepared for the rapture! Give your heart to Jesus before it takes place for the only two times it is too late to get saved is a. after you die, b. after the rapture takes place (Exception 144,00 Jews and some Gentiles are saved during the tribulation, the rest are forever doomed, forever lost, forever without peace with God, with no hope, no real joy, happiness, and forever away from God. How sad!)

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